I Need to Buy a Payday Loan LMS Company Today

To the point, I need to buy an LMS company. The IDEAL LMS candidate has an existing portfolio of storefronts offering payday, installment, line-of-credit… loans. Our goal is to acquire the clients/Lenders of our target LMS provider. We will then easily enable these Lenders to convert their face-to-face/storefront transactions with their borrowers to online, digital […]

Get Started

Services Available: We offer to consult by phone, in-person, your Team can “work” in one of our Texas stores, or you may invest in our Course and study at your own pace. Since 1998, we have owned and operated consumer loan stores and websites. Our Founders have participated at annual consumer lending association conferences, taught […]

Loan Tools You Need Today for Tomorrow. Lenders Beware: Biden + CFPB = More Heat!

By Jer Ayles: Face Facts, Small-Dollar Lenders! A Biden Presidency means certain “pain” for Lenders. Business to Consumer [B2C], Business to Business [B2B], MCA [Merchant Cash Advance], payday loans, installment loans, car title loans, line-of-credit loans, Fintech, wage advance… all will face increased scrutiny, compliance issues, and increased legal costs. Of course, CONSUMERS will be […]

Consumer Loan Executive “Savant” Available to a Few Select Clients

Do you need an executive with 15+ years of experience in “the business of lending to the masses?” And no, I’m not referring to me! I’m too busy + this would destroy my lifestyle! Here’s the deal: A “Savant” in our industry is accepting a few new clients. Short & sweet! Do you want an […]

Opportunities in the Business of Lending to the Masses

2024: State of the Consumer Loan Industry By Jer Ayles: Trihouse Consulting. Payday loans, installment loans, title loans, line-of-credit loans… We ALL know the business of lending to the masses is in tremendous turmoil. I’m not going to waste your time reviewing the “WHY’s.” Instead, know this. There is a ton of offshore & domestic money […]

Dinosaurs, CFPB, Parasites, Lobbyists and the Payday Loan Ability to Pay Rule

To be clear, I’m not saying demand for payday loan styled small-dollar, accelerated, hassle-free, quick, and easy loans are in decline. At least not in the long-term. With the FED’s “printing presses” spitting out cash to anyone who can breathe many brick-n-mortar loan stores are not exactly carrying tons of cash to their bank from new loan originations.  But long term? The business of lending to the masses? The future is OURS!

PS: Details? Reach out to Jer TrihouseConsulting@gmail.com

$550 Million Settlement with Santander Subprime Auto Loans: Arizona AG

I’ve been pounding the table lately regarding the need for ALL entrepreneurs in ALL industries to collaborate with competent experts who know how to legally prepare you for this litigious society we live in! Yes, I’m well aware of the propaganda! “There are more payday loan stores in the USA than there are McDonald’s.” B.S! […]

Corona: States Where Consumers Need Small-Dollar Loans the Most

Based on Google Search Results, Which States Have the Greatest Need for Small-Dollar Loans. Personal loans, payday loans, installment loans, title loans, home equity loans… U.S. households are on the hunt for fast cash. “WalletHub compared the 50 states across four metrics. Google search trends were combined for related search terms.” Scroll over each state […]

How to Start-Improve a Consumer Loan Business: GumRoad

Ready to invest in yourself? Want to learn how to get a jump start and learn how to start or improve a consumer loan business? Payday loans, car title loans… Purchase a copy of our 500+ page “Bible” here via Gumroad for EZ payment processing! Loading…

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