Maximizing Results: How AI-Driven Persuasion is Transforming Call Center Debt Collection

Unraveling the Art of Persuasion: The Cozy Alliance of Persuasion and AI in Revamping Debt Collection Call Centers Debt collection is a tricky business, and for those hardworking folks at call centers, mastering the gentle art of persuasion is absolutely vital. Picture this: call center agents smoothly chatting away, employing just the right persuasive techniques […]

Interest Rate Caps Make Loans Less Available to Subprime Borrowers

Illinois’ imposition of an all-in annual percentage rate (APR) cap of 36% on loans under $40,000 from nonbank and non-credit-union lenders resulted in fewer loans being available to subprime borrowers. Nearly 80% of respondents in an online survey of small-dollar credit customers in Illinois conducted about nine months after the imposition of the Illinois rate […]

Loan Management Fees Got You in a FUNK?

Should you stay or should you go? Hey there Lender, Hope you’re doing great and drowning in a sea of loan requests! We want to chat with you about something that’s been blowing up our phones lately – those pesky Loan Management Software [LMS] vendors and their outrageous fees! Seems like every Tom, Dick, and […]

The Debt Collector’s Secret Weapon: The Robotic Persona

AI Powered Debt Collection Once upon a time, there was a debt collector named John. John had made a name for himself in the industry by offering loans to people with bad credit, but he secretly feared that he wasn’t cut out for the job. Every time John tried to call a borrower to ask […]

Loan Shark Larry Resume

Greetings, financial world! I’m the copywriting “shark” you’ve been waiting for. My writing is as sharp as my teeth and as sleek as my fins. I am the predator of financial copywriting, and I take no prisoners. Name: Loan Shark Larry Objective: To sink my teeth into a career as a financial copywriting shark. Education: […]

Entrepreneurs: Little-Known, Insider Benefits of Starting a Consumer Loan Business

There are several types of consumer loan products available for subprime borrowers, who typically have lower credit scores and may struggle to secure loans from traditional banks and financial institutions. Some of the most common types of consumer loan products for the subprime market include: Payday Loans: Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans that are […]

Insider Difference Between Payday Loans & Installment Loans

Think of a payday loan like borrowing a little bit of money from a friend to buy a toy and then giving the friend all the money back the next time you get paid. An installment loan is like borrowing a bigger amount of money from a bank to buy a bicycle and then paying […]

Why Audacious John Chose a Payday Loan vs. a Bank “Loan”

Once upon a time, a consumer named John found himself in a difficult situation. He had written a check for $100 to pay for an unexpected expense but soon realized that the check would bounce because he didn’t have enough money in his account to cover it. He knew that if the check bounced, he […]

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