Instant Bank Verification on Steroids!
Announcing a state-of-the-art service for sophisticated small-dollar loan balance sheet lenders! The simplest way to access, verify & update your loan applicants, & existing borrowers employment status up to the hour.; real-time! Better than IBV!
We integrate DIRECTLY with employers! Major, significant employers! 22,000+ employers!! Want to know how many hours your debtor/applicant worked this a.m? Yesterday? Wages earned at Amazon? Walmart? USPS? Target? Uber? Lyft? Starbucks, Home Depot, FedEx, Best Buy, Albertsons, Kroger, Chase, all branches of the U.S. Military… and more and more and more…
- Automatically update banking & debit card information stored in your customer’s workplace account!
- Verify your Borrower’s work history
- Employment status
- Employers(s)
- Hours worked! [Refresh hourly]
- The vehicle used [for their job if appropriate for your business model]
- Wages earned > depository account(s)
- White-labeled for Lenders Name/Brand/Logo!
- Borrower/Debtor social Reputation monitoring
- API integration is available. WE ARE OUT OF BETA!