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Top 5 Risks and Opportunities for Subprime Lenders in 2024

How to start a loan business

Rising consumer credit levels and soaring interest rates

Rising consumer credit levels and soaring interest rates have put subprime lenders at a critical crossroads. The latest 2024 Consumer Credit Trends report unveils significant shifts that could redefine the landscape of lending to financially challenged consumers. It’s crucial to understand how these changes impact your business and learn strategies to navigate and thrive in this evolving market.

Overview of Consumer Credit Trends

  • Increase in Consumer Credit: In May 2024, consumer credit grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 2.7%. This growth includes a 6.3% increase in revolving credit and a 1.4% increase in nonrevolving credit​​.
  • Total Outstanding Consumer Credit: As of May 2024, the total outstanding consumer credit stood at approximately $5.0647 trillion, with revolving credit at $1.3451 trillion and nonrevolving credit at $3.7196 trillion​​.
  1. Detailed Analysis of Revolving and Nonrevolving Credit
  • Revolving Credit: The increase in revolving credit (mainly credit cards) suggests a higher reliance on credit for day-to-day expenses. This can indicate financial stress among consumers, leading to potential challenges in repayment.
  • Nonrevolving Credit: This category includes auto, student, and installment loans. The modest increase in nonrevolving credit reflects cautious borrowing behavior for significant purchases​​.
  1. Interest Rates on Different Credit Types
  • Credit Card Rates: The interest rates for all credit card accounts reached 21.51% in May 2024, while rates for accounts assessed interest were 22.76%​​. These high rates could increase default risks as consumers struggle with high-interest debt.
  • Personal Loans: The interest rate for 24-month personal loans was 11.92% in May 2024​​. This relatively high rate reflects the increased risk lenders associate with personal loans.
  1. Implications of Rising Interest Rates
  • Consumer Financial Strain: Rising interest rates across all types of credit indicate increasing consumer borrowing costs. This can lead to higher default rates as borrowers find it more challenging to manage their debt.
  • Subprime Borrowers: Consumers with lower credit scores (subprime borrowers) are particularly vulnerable to these high interest rates, which can exacerbate their financial difficulties.
  1. Major Holders of Consumer Credit
  • Depository Institutions: Banks and similar institutions held a significant portion of both revolving and nonrevolving credit. For example, depository institutions held $1.1788 trillion in revolving credit and $909.4 billion in nonrevolving credit​​.
  • Finance Companies: These companies also held substantial amounts of consumer credit, with $735.6 billion in total outstanding credit, indicating their crucial role in providing consumer loans​​.

Impact on Subprime Lenders

Increased Default Rates

The high interest rates and rising consumer credit levels indicate potential difficulties for consumers in managing their debt. This scenario could lead to:

  • Higher Default Rates: As consumers struggle with high-interest debt, defaults will likely increase, particularly among subprime borrowers.
  • Increased Demand for Credit: Financially challenged consumers may seek additional credit to manage existing debt, creating more business opportunities for subprime lenders.

Adjusted Lending Strategies

Given the trends:

  • Risk Management: Subprime lenders must implement robust risk assessment tools to evaluate borrowers’ creditworthiness better.
  • Interest Rate Adjustments: To remain competitive and attractive to borrowers, subprime lenders might consider offering slightly lower rates or flexible repayment terms.

Regulatory Compliance and Consumer Protection

  • Compliance: Lenders must ensure they comply with regulations governing interest rates and lending practices to avoid legal issues.
  • Consumer Education: Providing financial education to borrowers on managing debt and understanding loan terms can help reduce default rates and improve customer satisfaction.


The July 2024 Consumer Credit Trends report highlights significant growth in consumer credit, mainly revolving credit, alongside rising interest rates. For subprime lenders, this environment not only presents challenges but also opportunities for growth and superior profits.

By focusing on effective risk management, offering competitive lending terms, and ensuring regulatory compliance while supporting financially challenged consumers, subprime lenders can navigate these trends and thrive in the evolving market.


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Picture of Jer Ayles

Jer Ayles

For subprime lenders. How to Loan Money to the Masses. I am the subprime lending expert consultant you need. I specialize in payday, installment, car title, and unsecured online and storefront lending industries. Whether you're a startup or an established business, I offer strategic guidance, introductions, and solutions to drive your success.


Unlock the Secrets to a 6-Figure Income: Start Your Own Online Subprime Loan Business Today!

How to Loan Money to Strangers


Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive eBook, “The Ultimate Guide to Launching an Online Subprime Loan Business.”

Unlike a restrictive and costly franchise model, our guide empowers you with unparalleled knowledge, flexibility, and resources to create a thriving subprime loan business.

Our eBook is the superior choice for entrepreneurs ready to dive into the lucrative world of subprime lending.

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For just $150, you gain lifetime access to industry secrets, strategic insights, and operational blueprints, whereas a franchise demands an initial investment of $125,000+ plus ongoing royalties and fees.

Save your capital for scaling your loan portfolio, marketing, and business growth.

Comprehensive Knowledge and Flexibility

Our eBook covers every aspect of the subprime lending industry, providing you with:
– Market Analysis: Detailed insights into the current market trends, customer demographics, and the competitive landscape.
– Regulatory Guidance: Up-to-date information on state and federal regulations to ensure compliance and avoid legal pitfalls.
– Operational Excellence: Step-by-step procedures for efficiently setting up and running your online loan business. Both you and your employees will “work” from anywhere you choose around the globe.
– Marketing Strategies: Proven digital marketing techniques to attract and retain customers, including SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.
– Technological Integration: Advice on selecting the best loan management software, CRM systems, and cybersecurity measures to streamline your operations.

Proven Strategies for Success

Leverage our 20+ years of industry expertise from Trihouse Consulting.

Our eBook distills decades of experience into actionable strategies tested and refined in real-world scenarios.

Learn from the successes and failures of seasoned professionals, ensuring your path to profitability is smoother and faster.

Tailored Support and Community

Join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and gain access to:

Exclusive Conference Calls: Monthly Conference Calls hosted by industry experts provide insights into the latest trends and answer your pressing questions. [$49.00/month]

– Personalized Consulting: Options for one-on-one consulting sessions to address your unique challenges and opportunities [LINK].
– Networking Opportunities: Expand your professional network by connecting with other subprime loan business owners, investors, and service providers [LINK].

Stay Ahead of the Curve

The subprime lending industry is dynamic, with constantly evolving regulations and market conditions.

55%+ of USA working adults are living paycheck-to-paycheck

40% of USA households earning >$100,000 annually live paycheck to paycheck!

Millions of consumers are in dire straits, facing sudden financial emergencies with nowhere to turn. Their friends, families, and churches are “tapped out!” With no credit, poor credit, and no viable solutions, they are abandoned by banks and credit unions that refuse to do business with them.

Our eBook includes lifetime updates, ensuring you always have access to the most current information and strategies.

Stay agile and adapt quickly to changes, positioning your business for long-term success.

Ethical and Responsible Lending

Our guide emphasizes ethical lending practices, ensuring you build a profitable business that positively impacts your community.

Learn how to offer your customers transparent, fair, and responsible financial solutions, fostering trust and loyalty.

Real Success Stories

Read testimonials and case studies from successful entrepreneurs who have used our eBook to launch and grow their subprime loan businesses.

Their journeys provide inspiration and practical insights, demonstrating the benefits of choosing our guide over a franchise.


Why settle for the limitations and high costs of a franchise when you can achieve tremendous success with our comprehensive, flexible, and cost-effective eBook?

Empower yourself with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to build a thriving online subprime loan business.

Download “The Ultimate Guide to Launching an Online Subprime Loan Business” today and take the first step towards financial independence and entrepreneurial success.

Order now and transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality [LINK].

How to start a payday loan business, an installment loan business, a car title loan business...


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🤑All Talk, No Cash: Why Trade Associations Are Like That Friend Who ‘Forgets’ Their Wallet!💔

Alternative Financial Services Industry Fights CFPB

All right, let’s break this down in simpler terms. You’re in the small-dollar lending business, and there’s some legal stuff going on that could affect you. The CFPB, or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, made a rule about small business lending. Some trade associations are telling the CFPB to hit the pause button on this rule because they think it’s creating unfair conditions for different lenders. They’ve written a letter to the CFPB’s head honcho, Director Chopra, to sort this out.

So, what’s the big deal?

1. Court Case and Preliminary Injunction: A court in Texas put a temporary hold on the rule but only for specific people who complained (plaintiffs). This means some lenders have to follow the rules, and others don’t. That’s confusing and not fair, right?

2. Trade Associations Step In**: A bunch of groups like the American Financial Services Association and the Mortgage Bankers Association, who represent lenders like you, are saying, “Hey, this is making it tough for us to know what to do. Can we please sort this out?”

3. Effective Dates and Compliance: The rule was supposed to come into play on specific dates, but now, with the court action and all, it’s a mess. The trade associations say, “Let’s delay this rule until we figure out all the legal stuff, which might not be until July 2024.”

4. What Can Happen Next: The CFPB has a couple of options. They could formally propose to delay the rule and allow people to give their thoughts for 30 days. Or, they could change their approach in the court case to apply the hold on the rule for everyone, not just the folks who complained.

5. Efficiency and Litigation: The trade associations think that if the CFPB doesn’t make things clear, more people will go to court, and that’s just a waste of time and money for everyone.

All Show, No Go: Trade Associations Do the Macarena While Plaintiffs Tango with CFPB!

Whether trade associations should help pay the plaintiffs’ legal fees in a case fighting against the CFPB’s regulations is nuanced. From a legal and strategic perspective, there are pros and cons to consider:


1. Strength in Numbers: Combining resources could help create a more vigorous fight against the CFPB, potentially making the injunction more likely to apply to a broader group, not just the initial plaintiffs.

2. Unified Message: By financially supporting the plaintiffs, the trade associations could help ensure that the legal arguments are aligned with their members’ best interests.

3. Public Relations: It might create positive PR for the trade associations, as they could publicly argue that they are fighting against confusing or unfair regulation that affects their members.

4. Resource Pooling: Legal battles are expensive. They can help sustain a lengthy fight if needed by contributing to the legal fees.

5. Broader Impact: A win in court against the CFPB could benefit all members of the trade associations, not just those who are plaintiffs. It could be seen as an investment in the broader business environment for their industry.


1. Cost: Legal battles can be costly and time-consuming. This would be an additional cost for trade associations and, by extension, their members.

2. Risk of Loss: If the case is lost, it could set a negative precedent for the industry, and the resources spent on legal fees would be a sunk cost.

3. Divergent Interests: While the plaintiffs and the trade associations may have similar objectives, they might not have the same goals. Financially supporting the plaintiffs could limit the trade associations’ control over the litigation strategy.

4. Member Backlash: Some members might not agree with the legal action and could resent their fees being used in this manner.

5. Regulatory Scrutiny: Actively fighting against a regulatory agency could attract more scrutiny to the trade associations and their members, potentially leading to stricter regulations in the future.

So, would it have been smart? It depends on a variety of factors, including how aligned the trade associations are with the plaintiffs, the potential benefits vs. the risks, and the appetite for a potentially lengthy and expensive legal battle.

So, what does this mean for you, my lender friend? Keep an eye on this situation. Depending on how the CFPB and the courts decide, you might have more time to adapt to the new rules, or you may need to make quick changes to how you do business.


Insider Secrets: 70 KPIs Top Subprime Lenders Use to Dominate the Market!

As a highly regarded consultant in the B2C subprime lending industry, I understand the importance of tracking various key performance indicators (KPIs) to maximize loan portfolio performance, minimize subprime borrower defaults, and earn a maximum return on investment (ROI) on balance sheet capital. Below is a comprehensive list of 70 critical KPIs for subprime lenders:

1. Loan Delinquency Rate
2. Loan Default Rate
3. Loan Charge-off Rate
4. Non-performing Loan (NPL) Ratio
5. Recovery Rate on Charged-off Loans
6. Net Interest Margin (NIM)
7. Average Loan Size
8. Average Loan Term
9. Average Interest Rate on Loans
10. Average FICO Score of Borrowers
11. Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio of Borrowers
12. Loan Origination Volume
13. Loan Application Approval Rate
14. Loan Application Rejection Rate
15. Loan Approval Turnaround Time
16. Loan Disbursement Turnaround Time
17. Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio
18. Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
19. Early Repayment Rate
20. Prepayment Penalty Rate
21. Collection Efficiency Ratio
22. Recovery Efficiency Ratio
23. Collection Costs as a Percentage of Outstanding Debt
24. Recovery Costs as a Percentage of Recovered Debt
25. Recovery Rate of Repossessed Collateral
26. Customer Retention Rate
27. Customer Churn Rate
28. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
29. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
30. Customer Complaint Resolution Time
31. Customer Complaint Rate
32. Customer Engagement Rate
33. Customer Satisfaction Rate
34. Cost of Customer Acquisition
35. Cost of Loan Servicing
36. Cost of Loan Origination
37. Cost of Collections
38. Cost of Recoveries
39. Cost of Compliance
40. Cost of Credit Reporting
41. Net Operating Income (NOI)
42. Return on Assets (ROA)
43. Return on Equity (ROE)
44. Return on Investment (ROI)
45. Net Income Margin
46. Gross Profit Margin
47. Bad Debt Expense as a Percentage of Total Revenue
48. Provision for Loan Losses as a Percentage of Total Revenue
49. Capital Adequacy Ratio
50. Efficiency Ratio
51. Operating Expense Ratio
52. Return on Average Assets (ROAA)
53. Return on Average Equity (ROAE)
54. Loan Portfolio Diversification Ratio
55. Average Age of Loan Portfolio
56. Vintage Analysis by Loan Cohorts
57. Geographic Concentration of Loans
58. Industry Concentration of Loans
59. Loan Performance by Credit Tier
60. Loan Performance by Loan Purpose
61. Loan Performance by Loan Product
62. Loan Performance by Loan Term
63. Loan Performance by Loan Vintage
64. Loan Performance by Seasonality
65. Loss Severity Rate
66. Recovery Lag Time
67. Net Promoter Score of Collections Process
68. Customer Effort Score of Collections Process
69. Loan Origination Cost per Loan
70. Cost of Capital for Funding Loans

By closely monitoring these critical KPIs, subprime lenders can gain valuable insights into their loan portfolio’s health, identify areas of improvement, and implement strategies to maximize performance while reducing risks and defaults, ultimately leading to higher ROI on their balance sheet capital.

More KPIs

We’ve nearly completed our breakdown of the 70 KPIs subprime lenders must have to manage their loan portfolios!

Join our list to receive an alert and get access to all of them!!


The $500 Loan That Shook the Financial World: An Allegory of Hope and Resilience

I Had a Dream That Shook the Financial World

Start a payday loan business.

Once upon a time, in a bustling town filled with towering buildings and busy streets, there lived a humble individual named Alex.

Alex had always been a hardworking soul, dedicated to his job and striving to make ends meet.

However, life had thrown a series of challenges his way, and he was trapped in a web of financial struggles.

One sunny morning, as the birds chirped and the city buzzed with activity, disaster struck. Alex’s faithful old car, which had faithfully carried them to work day in and day out, finally succumbed to the weight of its age and broke down.

Panic surged through Alex’s veins as he realized his car’s vital role in keeping his job and making a living.

With his heart sinking and a sense of urgency in his every thought, Alex turned to the advice of organizations like PEW and The Center for Responsible Lending. They have produced countless articles claiming that securing a bank or credit union loan has never been easier.

Hope bloomed in Alex’s weary heart, for it seemed like a glimmer of light in his otherwise bleak situation.

With renewed determination, Alex marched into the nearest bank, clutching his worn-out bank statement and a paycheck stub confirming his dedication and work ethic.

He approached the loan officer, his eyes filled with desperation and a faint glimmer of hope.

“I need a loan,” Alex uttered, their voice trembling slightly. “Just $500 to fix my car so I can continue working and supporting myself.”

The loan officer, donning a crisp suit and an air of detached authority, glanced at Alex’s credit history and shook her head, her face void of sympathy.

“I’m sorry, but your credit score does not meet our requirements. You must have an account with us for at least 12 months, have a direct deposit of your payroll proceeds, demonstrate an ability to pay, and maintain a 25% debt-to-income ratio. Come back when you fulfill these conditions.” Oh, PS; we charge $15/month for checking accounts here if you fail to maintain a $1,000 balance at ALL times!”

Frustrated, Alex left the bank, feeling like a heavy cloud had settled over his weary soul.

His journey to secure a loan became a cycle of hope and despair as he approached various banks and credit unions, only to be met with stringent requirements and rejected repeatedly.

With each rejection, Alex’s spirit dwindled further.

He felt as if he were trapped in a vicious maze with no way out. The world seemed to be closing in on him, suffocating his dreams and aspirations.

Alex stumbled upon a small, modest storefront wedged between two towering banks in his darkest hour.

The sign above reads “Community Funding – Lending a Helping Hand.”

With a last flicker of hope, Alex stepped inside and was greeted by a warm smile from an elderly gentleman behind the counter.

Alex poured out his story, his voice a mixture of desperation and longing.

The gentleman listened attentively, his kind eyes filled with understanding. “We may not have the same requirements as the big banks and credit unions, but we believe in helping those who need it the most,” he said.

“We will take a chance on you, Alex.”

Tears welled up in Alex’s eyes as he realized that someone finally saw his worth beyond a credit score.

Community Funding granted Alex the much-needed loan, allowing Alex to repair his broken-down car and keep his job.

Alex felt renewed purpose as his car’s engine purred to life.

He knew he had been given a second chance and was determined to seize it with all his might.

From that day forward, Alex became an advocate for change, shedding light on the struggles faced by subprime borrowers. He stood up against the unjust barriers that trapped hardworking individuals in a cycle of poverty and financial instability.

With renewed determination, Alex contacted local organizations, sharing his story and advocating for fair lending practices.

He attended community meetings, spoke with lawmakers, and connected with others who had faced similar challenges.

His voice echoed through the town, raising awareness and inspiring others to take action.

Slowly but surely, the oppressive grip of the traditional banking system began to loosen as more people realized the need for accessible financing options, especially for those marginalized and deemed unworthy due to their credit history.

Alex’s efforts did not go unnoticed. Community Funding, where Alex had found solace and support, grew in prominence, drawing attention from the media and influential figures.

The doors of opportunity opened wider, and more individuals rejected by conventional lenders found a helping hand at Community Funding.

As the movement gained momentum, banks, and credit unions were forced to reevaluate their practices. They recognized the power of inclusivity and the potential of subprime borrowers.

Slowly, they began implementing changes, loosening their strict requirements and offering more flexible lending options to those with less-than-perfect credit. [OK, maybe I’m laying this on too thick?]

Alex’s journey had transformed from a lonely struggle to a catalyst for change. His once-depressing quest for a $500 loan had blossomed into a revolution, shedding light on the financial industry’s systemic issues.

He symbolized resilience and hope, reminding everyone that no one should be judged solely by their credit score.

In the end, it was not just Alex’s car that was repaired but also the broken system that had failed him.

The town became a beacon of financial inclusivity, offering support and opportunity to all who sought it.

The once-insurmountable barriers that hindered subprime borrowers began to crumble, creating a fairer and more compassionate lending landscape.

Alex’s journey had taught him the true meaning of perseverance and the power of unity.

He discovered that change was not achieved by a single individual alone but by a collective voice demanding justice.

Through their allegorical tale, Alex had not only secured the funds to fix his car but had paved the way for a brighter future for countless others.

And so, the story of Alex, the subprime borrower in search of a $500 loan, became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of fighting for what is right.

It serves as a reminder that every journey, no matter how challenging, has the potential to bring about positive change if met with unwavering determination and a belief in a better tomorrow.

3 ways I Help lenders

How to start a subprime consumer loan business

The Bible

Our 500-page “bible.” How to Loan Money to the Masses!

Consultant: Start a payday loan business


Get some serious help! Ready for hire.

Debt collector working at

Discovery Call

Are we a good fit? Free “Discovery Call.”


A Story About Jake, the Debt Collector

Here’s a story about a debt collector named Jake:

Debt collector working at

Once upon a time, there was a debt collector named Jake. He had been working in the collections industry for many years. He had seen it all – from borrowers who genuinely wanted to pay their debts but were facing financial hardships to those who simply didn’t care and thought they could get away with not paying.

One day, Jake received a file for a borrower named Maria. She had taken out an installment loan to fix her car. Shortly afterward, Walmart cut back her hours, so she could not make her payments.

Jake had heard this story many times before and was prepared for the usual excuses and pleas for leniency. But when he called Maria to discuss her account, something unexpected happened.

Maria answered the phone, and Jake could hear the sound of a baby crying in the background. He asked if everything was okay, and Maria burst into tears. She explained that her husband had recently been laid off from his job, and they were struggling to make ends meet. They were about to lose their home and had no idea how they would feed their family.

Jake, the debt collector, was moved by Maria’s story and knew he had to do something to help. He took the time to listen to her and understand her situation. He then suggested that they work out a payment plan that would be manageable for her and even offered to call other creditors on her behalf to see if they could work out a plan.

Maria was extremely grateful and thanked Jake for his kindness. She could make her payments on time, and eventually, her husband found a new job. With Jake’s help, Maria could get back on her feet and start rebuilding her credit.

[Jake’s employer, a personal loan company, signed up with a new platform that reports their subprime consumer loan customers’ payments to 2 of the 3 major credit bureaus! Their verified loan payment information is submitted directly to Transunion and Equifax! PS: This helps Maria and her husband build their credit AND provides leverage for subprime Lenders!] Thus, thanks to Jake, the debt collector’s efforts, Maria and her husband are rebuilding their credit.

Jake’s colleagues were impressed with his ability to connect with the borrower and find a solution that worked for both parties. They could see that by treating borrowers with empathy and understanding, they were more likely to work with them and find a way to resolve their debts. From that day on, Jake’s peers followed in his footsteps, tried to connect with the borrowers, and helped them in any way they could for the betterment of their employer and the debtor.

The moral of the story? A good debt collector always tries to understand the borrower’s situation and find a solution that works for everyone. A little empathy goes a long way!

PPS: Are you a Lender to the subprime? Would you like an introduction to this new credit-building platform? Email me at Your subject? “Credit Builder.”


Trends: Lending to the Masses Opportunity


Consolidation/Acquisition/Rollup Efficiency Opportunities

Lenders must grow their loan portfolio

Inflation is reducing discretionary income for our demographic

Loan DEMAND is up and will scale into 2023+

Loan ORIGINATION volumes are suffering. 

Loan APPROVAL rates are decreasing. 

Loan applicant “QUALITY” is deteriorating.

Near prime devolving to subprime and “reacts” are the primary source for loan originations

2023 Q1 tax refunds will reduce demand for subprime loans

One positive: Student loan forgiveness is a certainty. This will improve loan originations in late 2023+

Another positive: Employee pay increases likely will continue = increased applicant quality 

Small operators are struggling with cash flow & cost of capital issues

Online First time payment defaults are 2.5X storefront. [we’re a relationship business.]


A unique window for Consolidation/Acquisition/Efficiency Opportunities and “rollup” opportunities exists today.

Efficient lenders should aggressively acquire competitors

Consolidate back office operations [CAC, Marketing, LMS, Underwriting, Servicing, Collections…]




Lenders: 20 Very Cool Loan Ads to Riff Off

You’ve got to check out these new commercials by Chuck Brennan’s Dollar Loan Center!

Chuck Brennan is a GOAT* in our “Business of Lending to the Masses!”

From humble beginnings, Chuck launched his first 100+ consumer loan locations in 1998.

Chuck has provided leadership & phenomenal inspiration to lenders, marketers, kids rock-n-roll…

He even built a fabulous Arena on the outskirts of Las Vegas dubbed “The Dollar Loan Center!” [Click on 2nd Image below]

Chuck’s a special guy! A FORCE in our industry.

Now, with Chuck’s blessings, I give you access to his latest Dollar Loan Center Commercials.

I HIGHLY recommend you share these 20 short clips with your marketing department. Get them in a room for “idea sex.” For example, if you’re in the SouthEast, a NASCAR theme could work. Texas? FOOTBALL! 

Watch “Loan Approval Machine” on YouTube [Access to all 20 commercials.]


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