How to Loan Money to the Masses

Start a consumer loan business! I’ve taught hundreds of people how to loan money to the masses profitably. I’m “in the business.” I have equity in stores. I’m a partner with several online lenders. I’ve provided consulting services for executives employed by the largest publicly traded small-dollar lenders in several countries. It turns out that […]

Get Started

How to Start a Payday Loan, Title Loan or Installment Loan Business Online or Store Front.   The Course: “How to Make Money by Lending Money to the Masses.” Start a payday loan, car title loan or installment loan business. The Course: “How to Lend Money to the Masses.” Still trying to figure this out? Licensing? What […]

Car Title Course [Incl. Payday & Installment]

How to Start a Car Title Loan, Installment Loan, Payday Loan Business You want to start a car title loan business! You know the drill. You have that burning desire to start that new title loan business BUT you just don’t know where to begin. You’ve heard about all the money being made in the car title […]

Who Benefits When the Working Poor Stay Broke?

Despite a thriving economy in some sectors, millions of U.S. households – the working poor – struggle with unexpected financial emergencies. This issue isn’t just about income inequality or lack of financial literacy—it’s about the fundamental accessibility to quick, EZ cash. ~ 40% of Americans can’t get their hands on $400 to deal with an […]

Top 5 Risks and Opportunities for Subprime Lenders in 2024

Rising consumer credit levels and soaring interest rates Rising consumer credit levels and soaring interest rates have put subprime lenders at a critical crossroads. The latest 2024 Consumer Credit Trends report unveils significant shifts that could redefine the landscape of lending to financially challenged consumers. It’s crucial to understand how these changes impact your business […]

The Truth About State-Imposed 36% APR Caps

By: Jer Ayles – Trihouse Consulting. The continuing trend of states imposing a 36% APR cap on payday loans is touted as a consumer protection measure. However, this well-intentioned policy has unintended consequences that actually harms the very people it aims to help. Let’s explore why payday loan products are better than the state implementing […]

Fintech Lenders “Don’t Need No Stinking Badges” Quo: Lender to the Masses

How to Loan Money to Strangers Man, there are some serious new approaches to “The Business of Lending to the Masses” entering the marketplace. I’ve previously broken down,, and… and more on our Blog. Today, I point you to Quo. Now if you’re “old school,” like I was back in the day, […]

How Lending to Strangers Can Become Your Most Profitable Venture Yet!

Lending Money to Strangers Grab Our Course Customer Referral Programs Here’s an expansion on the idea of “Smart Referral Programs” for lenders, specifically focusing on providing excellent customer service and enhancing client engagement through various strategic actions:   1. Personalized Customer Service: By ensuring customer service representatives (CSRs) address clients by name, lenders can create […]

Rethinking APR: The Misguided Metric Hurting Borrowers

Misconceptions Around Short-Term Loan Costs and the Ineffectiveness of APR Understanding Short-Term, Small-Dollar Loan Expenses Short-term, small-dollar loans, often misconstrued in cost discussions, have a straightforward expense structure for consumers: borrowing $100 typically incurs a flat fee of $15 until the next payday. This model is transparent, with no hidden charges or escalating interest, ensuring […]

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