How to Start a Payday Loan, Title Loan or Installment Loan Business
How to make money by lending money to the masses. Start a payday loan, car title loan, or installment loan business.
The Course: “How to Start an Installment loan, Payday Loan, Title Loan Business.”

Still trying to figure this out? Licensing? What payday loan management software to use? Capital required? Profitability? Payday loan collections…
Why purchase a payday loan franchise typically costing $45,000 to $85,000 cash plus 6% to 8% of your monthly gross sales when our 500+ page “Payday Loan Startup & Training Bible” (including sample contracts, forms, disclosures, letters, marketing materials, and more) answers ALL your questions. Stop spending hours and hours of your time “Googling” and invest in our “bible.” Allow the years of experience we’ve gained in our stores and in our consulting practice to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know.
Who is our “bible” for? Business entrepreneurs, new lenders, experienced players looking for creative ideas, vendors, lawyers and accountants serving the installment lending, payday loan and car title space, academics, investors, and hedge fund management – virtually anyone with a need for in-depth knowledge and access to the economic metrics of a B2C business to consumer loan internet or brick-n-mortar enterprise.
Starting and operating a consumer loan storefront or Internet business is not rocket science but there are issues such as licensing, disclosure, annual percentage rate (APR) calculations, advertising, tactics and strategies, software solutions, and much more that have a significant impact on your likelihood of success and your profitability.
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