Start a Car Title Loan Business
Our new and EXCITING Car Title lending Course #4. Even if you’re NOT in car title lending today, this is great information.
We’re super excited about this Car Title Lending Course because this type of lending is the biggest and most important thing going on in the sub-prime market.
If you want to start in Auto Title, Car Title, Title Pawn… whatever you want to call it, or if you simply want to do it better, INVEST in our Powerhouse Car Title Loan Course #4. The full course is over 400 pages and it’s $395.00 as an immediate download in Adobe Acrobat or $495.00 printed and shipped to your door.
EPIC price drop. $995.00?? Not anymore!! Now only $395.00 immediate download in Adobe Acrobat or $495.00 printed and shipped!!
Four things about our Car Title Loan Course #4:
You’re going to get all the information you need to start and profit loaning money on car titles. Yes, you can download the entire 400+ pages NOW! And this is real content! This is not 400 pages of sales pitch. We’re not going to pull a “time-share bait and switch” with you. This is real information to use to put money in your pocket immediately.
Value. There’s GOLD in this Car Title Loan Course. The chapter on employee management, supervision and training can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars. The chapter on testimonials will transform your company image, reputation and marketing. Is the course worth $395.00? Nope. It’s worth a hundred times that.
Guarantee! If you invest in this course… If you review the information… If you think it’s all stupid and you don’t get any value from it… Then we will refund your investment. No questions asked!
Check out my videos. Especially the longer one about unconventional marketing. This 15 minute video demonstrates how you can step outside the “normal” ways of getting great quality customers.
WE build teams of happy collaborators. People who invest in our courses participate in Master Mind groups. We have conference calls. Boot camps. We help operators connect with capital. We’re here to share ideas, and strategies with positive, forward thinking people.
Name of Provider: Total Operations Management, in cooperation with Payday Loan University
Name of Course: Powerhouse Car Title Loan Course #4
Target Audience: New and existing storefront and online car title loan providers
Course Objective: To share proven strategies in dealing with obstacles and opportunities in the car title loan market.
Course Relevance: Secured lending via collateralized car titles is a solid strategy make money lending to the masses or to diversify a payday loan portfolio.