How to Start a Payday Loan, Title Loan or Installment Loan Business Online or Store Front.  

The Course: “How to Make Money by Lending Money to the Masses.” Start a payday loan, car title loan or installment loan business.

The Course: “How to Lend Money to the Masses.”

Payday loan business

Still trying to figure this out? Licensing? What loan management software to use? Capital required? Profitability? Collections…

Our “How to Lend Money to the Masses Course” will teach you how to offer:

Why purchase a consumer loan franchise typically costing $45,000 to $85,000 cash plus 6% to 8% of your monthly gross sales when our 500+ page “How to Loan Money to the Masses,” (including sample State/Province contracts, forms, disclosures, letters, marketing materials, and more) answers ALL your questions. Stop spending hours and hours of your time “Googling” and invest in our “Bible.” Allow the years of experience we’ve gained in our stores, via our Internet properties, and in our consulting practice to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know.

Who is our “Bible” for? Business entrepreneurs, new entrants, experienced players looking for creative ideas, vendors, lawyers and accountants serving the consumer loan space, academics, investors and hedge fund management – virtually anyone with a need for in-depth knowledge and access to the economic metrics of a consumer loan internet or brick-n-mortar enterprise.

Starting and operating a consumer loan store or Internet business is not rocket science but there are issues such as licensing, disclosure, annual percentage rate (APR) calculations, advertising, tactics and strategies, software solutions and much more that have a significant impact on your likelihood of success and your profitability.

Click here for more info

Consulting Services

Services Available: We offer to consult by phone, in-person, your Team can "work" in one of our Texas stores, or you may invest in our Course and study at your own pace. Since 1998, we have owned and operated consumer loan stores and websites. Our Founders have participated at annual consumer lending association conferences, taught Boot Camps, and appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The New York Times... and more than a few books. You want to enter the "Business of Lending Money to the Masses Profitably," you engage Trihouse Consulting.

How to open a loan business
Course: How to Lend to the Masses

If you're worn out spending hour upon hour searching Google for consumer loan business strategies, know-how, software, licensing, consumer credit reporting, sample contracts, collection tactics, profitability, how much start-up capital you need, anticipated default metrics, and on and on and on... Our "Bible" delivers ALL THESE ANSWERS AND MORE!

How to loan money to consumers! Payday loans, car title loans, installment loans, line-of-credit loans... via the Internet and storefront models.

Answers to:
How profitable are they? How much do these businesses earn?
Do you need a license?
We update our "Bible" every 3 months.

The Course: "How To Start/Improve a Consumer Loan Business"

Our 500+ Page Manual
Topics covered:
How to launch a consumer lending business
Installment Loans
Payday Loans
Small Dollar Loans
Car Title Loans
Personal Loans
Signature Loans
Non-Secured Personal Loans
StoreFront Lending
Internet lending
Smartphone lending
Licensing? State/Province
What loan management software to use?
Capital required?
Borrower Underwriting?
Store & Internet Lending tactics & strategies
Sample contracts, License apps...
Tribe model ["sovereign nation"]
Texas CSO/CAB model
$297.00 PDF Immediate Download
100% Refund Policy
View Cart/Checkout
Click Here: $350.00 Immediate PDF Download

Click this link for a complete Table of Contents

Schedule a Call with our Founder.

Do you want to learn how to make money by lending money? You’re fed up spending hours and days with “google search” in an attempt to figure out if small-dollar lending, payday loans, car title lending, and installment loans are profitable?

Talk to an expert!

1] Request a Call; as little as $75.00 for a 15-minute call. Extend the call if you like.
2] Via, you will be pre-charged for the estimated length of the call, based on our rate of $300/hr.
3] Connect directly with our Founders on the day and at the time you select.
4] Ask ANY question regarding the small-dollar loan industry
4] At the appointed day/time, call the conference line we provide. After our call, the charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual length of our call.

Jer and the Team at Trihouse Consulting have taught thousands of entrepreneurs the correct way to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate payday loan, car title loan, and installment loan businesses; the business of making money by lending money. Some people think we’re nuts for doing this, but the truth is that we’re far from crazy. DOING & TEACHING opens doors for us that pales in comparison to any other channel.
Attend a payday loan bootcamp training
Payday Loan, Title Loan, Installment Loan Lending Boot Camp - LIVE in Our Texas Location

Boot camps are run in our Texas “live” Loan Center
We offer small-dollar loan training {Installment, payday, car title...]
You and two additional employees/partners may attend
Our "Bible: How to Loan Money to the Masses Profitably" is included [Immediate PDF Download.]
These are “one-on-one” intensive workshops customized for your situation and challenges
We cover both the store model and the Internet Model
The fee is $5000 total per company (Including our "Bible").
We schedule our Boot Camps in our Texas location to accommodate your Team.
Allow 7-14 days minimum for us to schedule days/time for your convenience.

Seminar/Boot Camp
2-Days in a "live" Loan Center near Austin, Texas.

Texas CAB/CSO-License-Manual
Texas CAB/CSO-License-Manual
Texas CAB/CSO Credit Services Organization Report

An analysis of the CAB/Credit Services Organization Model as it applies to Texas. An alternative to the Payday Loan Model.

What is a Texas CAB/CSO Credit Services Organization?
In essence, a CSO or Credit Services Organization is defined by the Texas Credit Services Organization Act (Section 393 of the Texas Finance Code) as an entity or person that provides one of the following services:

* Improving a consumer's credit history or rating.
* Obtaining an extension of consumer credit for the consumer.
* Providing advice or assistance to a consumer regarding the previous two services.

How does the CSO Credit Services Organization work with payday loans?
The CSO Credit Services Organization operates as a broker, The Texas Credit Services Organization Act (CSOA) allows the payday loan lender to register as a CSO and act as a loan broker. Thus, the CSO can make loans via "3rd Party Lenders" that are UNREGISTERED and UNLICENSED. The CSO Credit Services Organization acts as a broker for the consumer in need of funds by issuing a "letter-of-credit" on behalf of the consumer to a "3rd Party Lender." This 3rd Party Lender funds the "loan" brokered by the CSO.

How does the Texas CSO Credit Services Organization collect its 3 fees:
A referral fee for referring the consumer to the lender that actually funds the "loan." This is not stipulated by any law but is currently $20 to $30 per $100.
An application fee for filling out the CSO documents; typically $10 per $100.
The interest on the "loan" paid to the 3rd Party Lender caps at 10%/year.

Our 100+ page "Texas/Ohio Credit Services Organization [CSO] Report" includes a thorough description of how this model works, how to construct the loan entity & the CSO, sample agreements between the CSO and the 3rd Party Lender, sample consumer contracts & more.

A Guide to Consumer Loan Company Valuations
Valuation Approaches and Considerations for Buyers, Sellers, and Startups of Check Cashing, Payday, Title, & Consumer Loan Companies. Thoroughly covers payday lending, car title lending installment loans... consumer loan business valuations. Delivered immediately to your Inbox.

How to Collect Your Money

How to Get Your Money!

A practical course on helping you to collect your OLD accounts, and to increase your effectiveness.

What can be worse than not getting paid? Getting sued, or FINED by Government agencies.

There are regulations at the Federal and State level that are created to protect the public from unsavory collections practices. As you work to collect your money, keep in mind that the courts have a mandate to take the side of your non-paying client. Even if this person has cursed you up and down, written you bad checks and lied to you every day for 10 years?

None of that matters. The courts and the law are created to protect the public. Not you or your business. If you go into a collections procedure with an attitude, and crappy documentation, you’re going to get run over by the system and it’s not going to cost your deadbeat customer a cent.

How to Launch a Tribal Lending Enterprise
How to Launch a Tribal Lending Enterprise

Tribe Sovereign Nation Documentation, Term Sheets & More

A complete package of all the legal documentation required by tribes, lawyers, investors, marketer/servicer groups... to successfully launch a TLE.

Note: All Word Templates are editable for your private use.

  1. Template-Standard Tribe Resolution Creating a Tribally Owned Business


  2. 3 year Pay Day Lender Loan Volume Projections

    1. (PDF Doc.)


INTRODUCTION: [25 page PDF by Bree R. Black Horse J.D. candidate at Seattle University School of Law, and an enrolled member of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma in cooperation with The American Indian Law Journal. Public Domain]

  1. Two Key Tribal Court Cases:

    1. While there have been many, many cases upholding tribal sovereign immunity over the years, two in particular are specific to tribally owned payday loan businesses. [4 page PDF]

  2. 3 Year Proforma.

    1. A 3 year tribe pro forma portfolio [Excel format]

  3. Boilerplate Marketing & Servicing Agreement

    1. Template for TLA & Marketer/Servicer arrangement with Revenue Share Exhibit A. [12 page Word Doc.]

  4. Consulting Agreement

    1. Template Consulting Agreement with Tribe Lending Enterprise [Word Doc]

  5. Resolution


  6. Car Title Boilerplate Agreement

    1. Example Marketing/Servicing Agreement with TLE [11 page PDF]

  7. Car Title Consulting Agreement

    1. Typical Consultant/TLE agreement specific to car title loan lending [6 page PDF]

  8. Typical Lenders Introduction and Compensation Agreement

    1. Example Tribe/Consultant introduction & revenue share term sheet [5 page PDF]

  9. Example Monthly Payments-Revenue Share Agreement

  10. Typical consultant – TLE revenue share statement [1 page PDF]

  11. Example of Typical Non-Recourse Promissory Note & Security Agreement

    1. Ordinary Borrower/Lender capital security agreement [4 page PDF]

  12. Lawyers' View: Minimizing Regulatory Enforcement Actions Against TLE and Service Providers

    1. Important Factors in a Tribal Lending Relationship [3 page Word Doc]

  13. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Mechanics of TLE-TOB/Marketer-Servicer Collaborations

    1. Allen Parker responses to FAQ’s submitted by potential consultants, tribes, and providers of capital. [2 page Word Doc]

  14. Typical TOB Lenders’ License

    1. [19 page Word Doc] A financial services license authorizing the TOB to do business “THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, consistent with Section 4 of the Mahalo District of the North Dakota Tribe Tribal Financial Services Regulatory Act, the enterprise under the jurisdiction of the Mahalo District of the North Dakota Tribe has been licensed by the Mahalo District of the North Dakota Tribe’s Tribal Financial Services Regulatory Commission to provide financial services in furtherance of the Tribe's economic self-sufficiency and political self-determination. It is…”

  15. Example Consultant- Lender Representation Agreement Boilerplate

    1. As titled, an example Consultant retainer/representation agreement [2 page Word Doc]

  16. Example Consultant- Lender Representation Agreement Boilerplate

    1. As titled, a template for consultant –services/marketer agreement [1 page PDF]

  17. Example Declaration of Servicer-Marketer Skill Set Submitted to Tribe

    1. As titled, a sample declaration to tribe regarding servicer/marketer skill set [1 page PDF]

  18. Template for Statement of Consultant-Servicer-Marketer Power Point Presentation to Interested Parties

    1. Editable Power Point presentation [12 page PP]

  19. Typical Tribe/Servicer/Marketer Credit Reporting Business Rules

    1. As titled, a phenomenal Excel list of go/no-go CRA implemented business rules [Excel 10 pages]

  20. Template for “Finders’ Fee”

    1. As titled, editable Finders’ Fee for use by Consultants [2 page Word Doc]

  21. Template for “Finders’ Fee”

    1. As titled. A second version of a Finders’ Fee

  22. Example Business Development Agreement

    1. As titled, editable template for business development agreement between TLE & Consultant [5 page Word Doc]

  23. Term Sheet

    1. As titled. [4 page Word Doc]

  24. TLE-Lender-Services/marketer Bank & Loan Flow Chart

    1. As titled, an visual of “how the money flows.” [1 page PDF]

  25. “Tips for Tribe Economic Directors”

    1. As titled, a public domain analysis for tribal economic development principles. [9 page PDF]

  26. Limited Solicitation RFP

    1. A typical Request for proposal submitted by TLE’s [2 page Word Doc]

  27. PDL Sovereign Nation Manual by Allen Parker

    1. An analysis of the TLE Model [8 page PDF]

  28. Your investment: $1995.00

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