The pros and cons of changing your lead purchasing and staffing strategy.

Resource allocation and strategy optimization are crucial for long-term success in the competitive landscape of consumer lending. 

One proposed strategy is to pause the purchase of leads on Mondays and Fridays, which historically show lower conversion rates and reallocate staff efforts towards converting leads from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday while also focusing on collections.

While this approach seems promising at first glance, weighing the pros and cons is essential to make an informed decision.

What do you think?

Money lender purchasing consumer loan leads


1. Resource Allocation: Focusing on converting leads on high-performing days may maximize the productivity of your staff and, thus, increase the overall effectiveness of your lead conversion rate.

2. Improved Collections: The team will have dedicated time to focus on collections, improving the odds of recovering funds that might otherwise be lost.

3. Quality Over Quantity: By not buying low-converting leads, you can focus on higher-quality leads more likely to convert, increasing your ROI.

4. Cost Savings: You could reduce costs by not purchasing leads on low-performing days (Mondays and Fridays).

5. Data-Driven Decision Making: This approach allows your business to be more agile, making operational decisions based on performance metrics.

6. Staff Morale: Your team might feel more productive and more manageable as they will focus on fewer but higher-quality leads. This could also reduce burnout.

7. Better Customer Service: More time can be allocated to each potential customer on high-performing days, potentially improving service and satisfaction.

8. Analytical Insights: Pausing lead acquisition on specific days could serve as a test phase for analyzing whether this move actually improves conversions, providing valuable data for future decisions.

9. Work-Life Balance: If staff members are not pressured to convert leads on lower-performing days, they may experience a more balanced work schedule.


1. Missed Opportunities: By not buying leads on Mondays and Fridays, you may miss out on potential customers who are only available to interact on these days.

2. Dependency on Fewer Days: By focusing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday leads, your success becomes overly reliant on the performance of these specific days.

3. Cost of Adjustment: Training staff and adjusting to a new schedule may incur short-term costs, both monetary and in terms of productivity.

4. Limited Data: If the decision to pause on Mondays and Fridays is based on limited data, it might not be a sound long-term strategy.

5. Consumer Behavior: If competitors notice your absence on Mondays and Fridays, they might capitalize on it, potentially offering better deals to attract those leads.

6. Operational Complexity: Juggling different tasks like lead conversion and collections could complicate operations, making it harder to focus and excel on either.

7. Market Fluctuations: Consumer behavior isn’t static. By the time you implement this change, the trends that led you to make this decision might have shifted.

8. Cannibalizing Resources: The focus on collections might use resources that would otherwise be used for acquiring new customers, leading to stagnant or declining growth.

9. Legal Implications: Increased focus on collections could bring additional scrutiny, especially if aggressive tactics are used, which can be a legal liability.

10. Reputation Risk: An aggressive focus on collections could harm your reputation among consumers.

11. Employee Turnover: The change might not be well-received by all staff, especially those who have specialized in lead conversion and may not be as adept or willing to focus on collections.


Making changes to your lead purchasing and staff allocation strategy is a significant decision that impacts multiple aspects of your business—from financials to operations and employee morale. 

While considerable advantages exist, such as improved resource allocation, cost savings, and a focus on higher-converting leads, the downsides must be addressed. 

These include missed opportunities, dependency on a limited number of days for leads, and potential reputational risks. A thorough, data-driven analysis should be the first step before implementing such a change. 

Additionally, considering a trial period and closely monitoring metrics could offer further insights into whether this strategy will achieve the desired optimization. 

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